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CASE: Rolling Stock Supply Chain Survey

Where: Victorian State Department Of Transport
When: Summer/Fall 2019

Melbourne, Australia currently has an extensive transport system that includes buses, trains and trams and the government is planning a significant expansion in service over the next few years to include High Capacity Trains. Victoria State also requires a certain percentage of all projects to be done locally in order to increase jobs and reinvigorate the state's manufacturing.

In order to ensure that this local content requirement can be met, a supply chain map is needed to learn more about the state's current capacity for different methods of manufacturing. One complexity is that many manufacturers overspecialize into specific industries instead of advertising their core abilities.

Through the Department Of Transport, I was contracted to design a survey protocol and questionnaire to uncover the abilities of these current manufacturers. A list was generated by contacting manufacturing groups and subject matter experts and I then gathered the needed data from the various manufacturers.

The information from the survey is now being used by the DoT to determine where there may be industry needs and where local content can be utilized in the latest service expansion.

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glow kaizen